Rapture or disaster? Ecstasy or torture? Is Armageddon on its way or can we "think good thoughts" our way out of this? Confused?? A little worried?
There's a lot going around through the internet, the Expo and workshop world about the year 2012 and the Great Shift. It is hard to know what to believe. Does Planet X exist? Are the ET's coming to save us? Will the aliens destroy us? Will the New World Order take over? Will there be huge destructive calamities? Will Japan break in two and precipitate the biggest, deadliest tidal wave of all time?
It's so hard to know how to discern what's going on. All that I have to hold on to in these rocky times are two things: a vision I received during a "progression" with internationally known author and regression therapist, Julia Ingram, along with the profound teachings on 2012 and the Opening of the Doorway shared with me by revered Hawaiian elder and Chief Hale Makua.
We're in for a ride! Accordingly I am guided to offer this new workshop in order to share this information with you all, to build avenues of support, and to join collectively to hold firm the Frequency of Aloha. Let's navigate the roller coaster ride of The Great Shift in the support of loving community. Please join us!
WORKSHOP: "Moving Through the 2012 Gateway and The Path of Aloha" Via Conference Call twice a month for an hour - Sept 21 - Dec 12, 2011 Free introductory session 9/21 $111.10 registration by Sept. 20, $33 per session after that.
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